Resources for: Employers and Learning and Employability

Find out about support available if you are looking for a job or want to find out more about learning opportunities that can help on your journey towards work.

45. DYW No Text

Developing the Young Workforce

DYW's part of the Young Person's Guarantee, provides easily accessible programmes and packaged activity support to young people at different ages and stages to prepare for the world of work.


Website Online Self referral Telephone National Free
53. ESOL

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) course

English language courses for learners to develop their communication skills and knowledge of living and working in Scotland.

Phone: 01389 738775


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Telephone Local Free
55. EY Foundation

Smart Futures (EY Foundation)

Smart Futures is a 10-month programme from the EY Foundation which includes paid work experience, interactive employability skills training and mentoring for those in Year 12 or S5 in Scotland. The Smart Futures programme is formally recognised and accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Mangement, and will help you develop key skills that are essential in the workplace.

EY Foundation is an independent charity supporting young people from low-income backgrounds get paid work experience, employability skills training and career guidance. Programmes are exclusively for young people who are aged 16 and above, and have been recently eligible for free school meals, a college bursary or Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA). There is also a specific programme designed for young people with experience in care.


Website Online Professional referral Self referral National Free
88. Link Up WD

Link Up West Dunbartonshire

A free to access community website helping local people and organisations share skills, spaces and things.


Website Online Local Free
98. Mcr Pathways

MCR Pathways Scotland

Motivation, Commitment and Resilience Pathways Scotland aims to help young people unlock their potential, no matter their circumstances. Working together with our inspiring mentor community and partners, we can help young people to realise their skills and progress onto a positive destination. Our vision is for all young people to experience equality of education outcomes, career opportunities and life chances.

Phone: 0141 221 0200


Services & somewhere to go Online Self referral Local Free
100. My World Of Work No Text

My World of Work

My World of Work is Scotland’s career information and advice website. The site is designed to support everyone develop their career management skills, no matter what stage you’re at in your career.


Website Online National Free
134. Scot Refugee Council

Scottish Refugee Council

Practical support, advice and a listening ear delivered through a direct services to help people rebuild their lives in a sustainable and meaningful way. The Scottish Refugee Council also works with communities and community groups. They speak out against an unjust asylum system and campaign for policy changes that make a positive difference to people’s lives.

Helpline number: 0808 196 7274


Website Online Self referral Telephone National Free
177. WDC Working4u

WDC Working 4U

West Dunbartonshire Council Working4U service was established to improve the quality of lives of West Dunbartonshire residents by assisting them to overcome barriers to social and economic inclusion. Working 4U help people to access a wide range of employment, training and learning opportunities designed to help them overcome barriers, develop their skills and assist them in their journey towards work

Phone: 01389 738296


Website Online Professional referral Self referral Telephone Local Free
206. Dyslexia Scotland

Dyslexia Scotland

Empowering people with dyslexia to reach their full potential.


Website Online Self referral National Free
National Trauma Training

National Trauma Training Programme

Being ‘Trauma Informed’ means being able to recognise when someone may be affected by trauma, collaboratively adjusting how we work to take this into account and responding in a way that supports recovery, does no harm and recognises and supports people's resilience.  This is a set of resources to promote and implement trauma informed practice within Scotland. 


Website Online National Free
Skills Development

Skills Development Scotland

Skills Development Scotland provide a wide variety of information, advice and tools to help you get a job from their centres based in Dumbarton and Clydebank.

Phone: 0800 917 8000


Website Online School Referral Self referral Telephone Local Free
Safer Internet Centre

UK Safer Internet Centre

Helping children and young people stay safe online. Including guides and resources for a range of audiences
from parents, education, social work, healthcare, and more.

Helpline number: Professionals Online Safety Helpline 0344 381 4772


Website Download Online National Free
Working Families

Working Families

Working Families is the UK’s national charity for working parents and carers. Their mission is to remove the barriers that people with caring responsibilities face in the workplace.

They provide information and free legal advice to parents and carers on their rights at work

Helpline number: 0300 012 0312


Helpline Website Online Telephone National Free