West Dunbartonshire Community Foodshare - Provides emergency food aid parcels to anyone who requires it. Self referrals or agency referrals. Delivered to your home.
Food for Thought distribution centers are as follows:
Monday to Friday, Unit 14a Artizan Shopping Centre, Dumbarton 10am - 5pm;
Tuesday’s, CATRA Centre, 5 Alexander Street, Alexandria 11.00am - 12pm;
Monday’s, St Stephens Chapel Hall, Park Road, Dalmuir 11.00am - 12pm;
Thursday’s, Clydebank Community Sports Hub, Dean Street, Clydebank - 11.00am to 12pm.
These are drop in sessions and no referral needed.
Old Kilpatrick Food Parcels & Community Pantry - Food Parcels (OKFP) help any resident of Old Kilpatrick, Bowling & Dalmuir, without the need for a referral. Free food pantry. No referral required
They can be contacted by any of the following routes: